Are You Travelling By GPS or Map?
There is a Map that will not allow you Navigate by eye nor can you feel your way along the Scale by touch!
You won't see the Contour Lines to show changes in Terrain and Elevation! You won't see the Contour Intervals that depicts a Set Distance! You won't see symbols on this Map that will represent Wooded areas, Vegetation, or Bodies of Water!
You won't see Desert or Rocky Alpine areas! This Map won't reveal to you Frequent Stormy areas or Highway... Numbers or best places for Shelter!
You won't see a Scale on this Map to show a ratio of a distance between two points! You won't see the Latitude nor Longitude Lines for navigation! No, this Map is very unique!
It is like no other Map! The most unique feature about this Map is that it doesn't take the "Eye" to use for navigation! This Map, as mysterious as it is, has been around for Centuries! This Map is called "Faith"! " For We Walk By Faith, and Not By Sight [GPS]"!