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Experience a Meetup with the Author

Become an insider and make plans now to connect and  interact with me, an accomplished Author at a event to be announced soon.  I look forward to the opportunity to sign books for you and my remarkable fans around the world.  Get it before everybody else does.


Announcing this live video streaming platform is an exciting, new chance to suddenly connect with you, my reader. You can be my best critic and adviser, discovering what secret you like and improvement you want to share about my book(s).  I'm so grateful if you'd also tell family and friends to give my book(s) a try!  You also have the opportunity to submit startling questions and take a phone call from me.  Additionally, you can send an amazing, challenge question at Goodread's Ask The Author or request a quick and easy digital signing of my eBooks at

Furthermore, I appreciate an exclusive opportunity to better connect with you to help spread the Word and share my experiences with new and growing Christians. Be one of the few and let's compare our miracle faith walk and learn and grow with each other. It's my hope that by sharing my experiences, someone else's life is touched or a magic dream followed.  Hurry! I look forward to connecting and interacting with you at a 'For Booklovers' Tour event online. 


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