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Christian Living Book Series

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Peace to your home. Think about when you read the Bible. You may find it a challenge to understand and thus nothing is quite as it ever seems. Instantly click on The Good Book Series Title below because you can more quickly and easily secure God's Word in your everyday life. Don't settle or rely on what you've already learned. You stop growing because you stop learning. Keep growing, improving, getting better, increasing your skills and gifts with this Series. Winners never stop growing!

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"We've Got Good News" Blog:

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Hearing and Receiving The Good News

If you looked in the mirror and discovered something was wrong with your attire or that your makeup was messy, would you ignore it and walk away? Chances are—you wouldn’t.


Declaring The Good News

Are we willing and bold in our actual sharing of The Gospel?  Are we always prepared to speak of our faith (1 Peter 3:15 NIV), doing so with gentleness and respect.? 

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