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Christian Living Donate

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At The Good Book Series, our mission is to draw you nearer to God by sharing Christian Devotionals for Beginners [new believers and growing Christians] to grow your faith! We help to suddenly transform lives through true Christian values, introducing to new and growing believers a quick and easy way to learn and grow through The Good Book Series, an engaging four devotional set.

Our cost-conscious, instantly delivered devotionals are timeless and thought provoking; they're revolutionary passports to a dreamland for new believers where they live, laugh, work, and pray. They are as simple, clear, and easy to read, digest and apply to your daily lives as they are inspiring. For this reason, when you and those whom you love need a brighter light shone on your life, The Good Book Series is an amazing place to start now; it'll help to be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.


Announcing every donation you give results in helping us publish another book. Your sensational gift increases the opportunity to draw another soul nearer to God and draw God nearer to them today. Hurry to please unite forces with us and make a guaranteed donation via trusted PayPal and our privacy terms. Our mailing address is also listed below to send your generous contribution. Accordingly, your remarkable donation will help us further this important cause, with no risk or no strings attached.


By Credit Card

We can take your wanted donations right now over the internet through our secure donation system. In order to give using this protected method, please click on the 'Donate' button below now.  We hope you'd stretch beyond your normal giving and create a one-time gift or a monthly commitment; your miracle donation helps others to draw near to God and draws God nearer to them.





By Mail

Send an endorsed check or money order now to:



MO Consulting Inc

P.O. Box 1068

JJacksonville, AR 72078


Thank you for catching the vision of changing lives, transforming communities and helping those in need.


Blessings and favor,


President, MO Consulting Inc


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