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Welcome Home and welcome to Devotional Land! MO Ministries of Sherwood, AR is a Christian Living Book Author and Promoter. Founded and launched in 2012, we're an open book for our cause of sharing the Good News and giving service and care to your wants and needs for spiritual and personal happiness. Crack open and have your nose in the 'Books of Mark C. Overton;' they're cost-conscious, instantly delivered Christian Devotionals for Beginners [new believers and growing Christians] and help grow your faith now!


Our company's aim remains to be the leading and most popular vertical portal and the resource online for anything and everything Christian Devotionals for Beginners. We're recognized for "The Good Book Series," a four devotional set (Live, Laugh, Work, and Pray), enabling you to be happier in a "Live, Work, and Play" mainstreet community that provides you high levels of well-being. Our motto, Draw nearer to God, and draw God nearer to you," encourages you to come home -- back to relationship with our Heavenly Father. Read my lips, like the parable of the lost son (Luke 15: 11-:32), he'll welcome you home and you can reap his safety, security, blessings and love. With no use of the oldest tricks in the book, you can feel confident embracing God as your neighbor.  


Because you can scan and absorb relevant information quickly from The Good Book Series digital downloads, you can get all the bible-based information you want out of work and life faster. Accordingly, The Good Book Series aims to draw you nearer to God and draw God nearer to you.  For this reason, we will continue to develop this mainstreet series because the topics are relevant to every day life issues you want to improve.  Thus, join and stay in a godly community. Come home! Visit the good  book series and live in the Bible.  And suddenly thrive where you "Live, Laugh, Work and Pray." 


Guiding Principle

Positioning You for God's Blessing

Core Values

  • Shares wanted, cost-conscious, and fast delivered digital Christian Living download products

  • Inspires you to make an informed decision and choose your best-fit product

  • Creates excellent customer service by instantly and securely delivering products and guaranteeing quick and easy follow-up and resolution 


Mark C. Overton, a retired Chief Master Sergeant in US Air Force and "Chief" Christian Devotional Author for Beginners. Teaming with Margarita Overton, my lovely spouse and retired Command Chief Master Sergeant, and Rodney Perry, retired Chief Master Sergeant, former pastor and Chief contributor, I further developed my desire for writing after transitioning and founded this company.


Because we've gone where today's Airmen are going and continued giving back, the Career Progression Guide for Airmen series was published first.  By faith, we shifted to the Christian Living genre.  This shift led to development of The Good Book Series: You Only Live Once ("Live"); I Like to Start with Something Funny ("Laugh"); Chapter and Verse: Daily Devotions for Your Work Week ("Work");  and co–authored Lord Teach Me How To Pray ("Pray"). 

From being an usher, working in television and media to the information technology industry and a men’s group, Mark's wealth of experience has all helped  us in the ministry of serving others.  Though maybe 'judged' by the cover, he has led accomplished layman ministries that help to build and stretch his faith. Furthermore, he founded The Good Book Series (formerly Plug and Pray) Facebook page and created this website (formerly to draw nearer to God. The team continually shows dedication, faithfulness, love for the church, and love for the Lord!


Currently, Margarita and I actively worship and serve at a North Little Rock church in Arkansas and also cheerfully partner with Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen Ministries respectively. Rodney leads a weekly online Bible Study and is currently attending a Masters of Ministry program.

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