Make It Last Forever: God's Reconciling Love!
This week's Sunday School lesson was titled "God's Reconciling Love"! The lesson was studied from Romans 5:6 -11, and 8:31 - 39. Reconciled basically means that two parties are on friendly terms again!
But God had to reconcile us to Him! We could not reconcile God to us! We are the weakest link! We are the guilty party! We are the sinners! Our love is imperfect while God's love is perfect! That's why God said:"Draw nigh unto me, and I will draw nigh unto thee!" It is the guilty that usually seeks forgiveness or restoration! It's the convicted one that usually ask for a second chance! The one who committed the offense is usually the one that will admit his wrongs!
With all this being said, thank God for His "Reconciling Love!" "While we where yet sinners, Christ died for us!" In the midst of our mess, our sins, our evils and wickedness, God loved us and wanted to save us! Paul asked the question:"Who shall separate us from the love of our God?" There's no man, machine, no beast, no spirit, nothing living nor dead that can separate us from God's love! His love is too powerful and amazing! God's love lives and is everlasting! God's love is Holy and majestic, peaceful, and supernatural, forgiving, and refreshing! No angels, no principalities, no powers, no death nor life can separate us from the love of God!
Don't we wish we can say that about our relationships, our friends, our spouses and love ones? We are funny! I love you one day and the very next day can't stand the sight of you. We are funny! Shake your hand with my right hand, while holding a knife behind my back in my left hand? "I got your back" simply means if anybody is going to stab you, it's going to be me!